Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rowdy and the Wolves

Rowdy was a big red cow, very pregnant, and hard to keep track of .  We had a lot of fun chasing her. "She can not have her calf out in the brush, she must be up here by the cabin, so we  can help her."  My brother in law tied a large rope around her neck, and hung a small log on a rope so it would drag on the ground and tangle in the bushes and slow her down. She also had a large bell around her neck. She would still wander off.

 As the oldest child on the homestead that summer, I was worried that she would get too far away from the cabin and get in trouble.

I listened to Rowdy off and on all  day. She moved further and further away . My imagination was working. We were surrounded by forest, willows, miles of uncharted territory. Anyone from the city knows there is danger out there ! I convinced my nieces and nephews that Rowdy was lost and was going to have her calf far away from us and the wolves would smell the blood and kill her and eat her calf. Late in the day we took off to find her and bring her back. She was far away and it took us a long time to find her. The trees and underbrush were thick, we were not organized. Rowdy, well Rowdy proved to be a challenge. We pushed and pulled, yelled and cajoled, and when we finely got her moving ....and I mean mooo ving, her bell was ringing - she was crashing thru the brush and bushes - we were yelling so she wouldn't stop - and of course she ran around the end of the lake and right thru the middle of a group of surveyors tents. They were camped on the lake. Dragging her log, bell clanging, 5 children running and yelling behind her.  We ended up in the front yard of the cabin at dark.

I do not remember if any of the adults knew we saved the cow from the wolves.

My two nieces and two nephews are alive and on face book. We will se if their memories are close to mine. Be kind to Aunt Cheryl.

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